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Feb. 15, 2024

E43 - A Symphony of Grace (David Congdon)

In this episode, Jonathan and Rich interview David Congdon, author of Varieties of Christian Universalism: Exploring Four Views , Baker Academic, 2023. We explore the idea the different perspective in Christian Universalism, ...

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Feb. 10, 2024

E42 - Innovative Compassion (Nick Smoot)

In this episode, Jonathan and Rich site down with Nick Smoot, CEO of Aesop Industries. He is a social architect running an experiment to repair community and capitalism. He's bringing communities together to create radical an...

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Jan. 27, 2024

E41 - The Magic of We (Sean Clayton)

In this episode, we sit down with Sean Clayton again to work through some of Sean's work over the year. Sean is a deep practitioner of energy and how it works. We discuss convergence, and how change is now happening rapidly. ...

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Jan. 22, 2024

E40 - The Heart of Work (Lori Wallace)

In this episode, Jonathan and Rich interview Work-Life Doula, Lori Wallace. Lori is Founder and CEO of Career Ecology. Her passion for helping people grow their career is exceptional. We explore the important work of bringing...

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Dec. 27, 2023

E39 - Death of the Ego (Brett Barlow)

In this episode, Jonathan and Rich sit down with Brett Barlow, a survivor of a near death experience. Brett's story is an amazing experience of what if feels like to lose your ego. He recounts his harrowing moment of drowning...

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Dec. 18, 2023

E38 - Healthcare Alt (Nate Taylor)

In this episode, Jonathan and Rich sit down with Nate Taylor, CEO of Keyspan, a company analyzes your health data, and gives you personalized solutions to reach your goals. Nate took on conventional healthcare and created a s...

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Dec. 16, 2023

E37 - Shadow Work (Cleburn Walker)

In this episode, Jonathan and Rich invited Cleburn Walker to come back and continue the conversation. We explore the concepts of shadow work, what it means, how it works, and why it's important. Rich dives into the Jedi, and ...

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Dec. 8, 2023

E37 - The Matrix Game (Cleburn Walker)

In this episode, Jonathan and Rich sit down with Cleburn Walker to discuss how the we live in a game similar to the Matrix. How we play the game is a really important aspect of life. Cleburn breaks down the game and how theol...

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Dec. 4, 2023

E36 - The Lonely Stoner (Andrew Ferris)

in this episode, Jonathan and Rich interview the Lonely Stoner, also known as Andrew Ferris. Andrew is a podcaster and influencer and hosts The Lonely Stoner show on YouTube. He documents his life of not being satisfied with ...

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Dec. 1, 2023

E35 - The Inclusive Pastor (Jason Coker)

In this fascinating episode, Jonathan and Rich sit down with Jason Coker, co-pastor of Oceanside Sanctuary, an openly inclusive Christian fellowship in Oceanside California. In this episode, Jason shares what it's like to pas...

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Nov. 11, 2023

E34 - Feminine Energy (ft Tracy Litt)

In this episode of Living in the Matrix, Jonathan interviews Tracy Litt, a women's spiritual advisor and mindset coach to visionary women leaders and entrepreneurs, a highly sought-after keynote speaker, TEDx speaker , and in...

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Nov. 8, 2023

E33 - The Way of the DAO (ft San Qing)

In this episode, Jonathan and Rich interview San Qing, an ordained Daoist priest of a long lineage of ancient Daoist practices. He is also the inventor of the app TheWay126, which uses a visual audio experience to create a vi...

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Oct. 29, 2023

E32 - Fruitarianism (ft Dr. Robert Morse)

In this episode, we interview controversial Dr Robert Morse, who is a proponent of fruitarianism, which is a diet that consists primarily of consuming fruits and possibly nuts and seeds, but without any animal products. Dr Mo...

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Oct. 24, 2023

E31 - Near Death Experience (ft: Virginia Drake)

In this fascinating episode, Jonathan and Rich sit down with Virginia Drake, who experienced a near death experience that allowed her to learn how to travel remotely anywhere she wants to go, and meet anyone she wants to meet...

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Oct. 16, 2023

E30: DD DD Dishes Conspiracy Theories

In our 30 episode and most political episode to date, Jonathan and Rich take on a complex topic: Conspiracy Theories. They interview DD, an avowed conspiracy theorist who shares a wild but compelling story of how the United S...

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Oct. 8, 2023

E29 - Transgender Freedom and Responsibility

In this episode, Jonathan and Rich explore the social dynamic of transgenderism. We dive deep into how it is affecting culture, changing norms, and dramatically changing the social dialog. We look into the importance of freed...

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Sept. 24, 2023

E28 - Emotional Intelligence (Nicky Scorpio)

In this fascinating episode, Jonathan interviews Nicky Scorpio, an influencer on TikTok, a musician, artist, and advocate for emotional intelligence. Nicky has one of the most unique stories around. After growing up with two ...

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Sept. 22, 2023

E27 - Overcoming Obstacles

In this episode, Jonathan explores the concept of overcoming obstacles. It's one of the most important actions we can take as a human being to restore our mental health. But how do we overcome obstacles? Jonathan shares 3 sto...

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Sept. 12, 2023

E26 - Trust Me (Joseph Myers)

In this incredible episode, Jonathan interviews Joseph Myers, author of Trust Me: Discovering Trust in a Culture of Distrust. (MeTEOR). Drawing from personal experiences and cutting-edge research, this captivating exploration...

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Sept. 1, 2023

E25 - Reconstructing Life - (Ellie Lee)

In this episode, Jonathan and Rich interview Ellie Lee, an actress/TV host for VH1, MTV, iHeartRadio, and was seen on E!, Wendy Williams, and The Steve Harvey Show. Ellie is now a mystical life coach for Self University. In t...

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Aug. 27, 2023

E24 - Deconstructing Faith (Brittney Hartley)

In this fascinating episode, Jonathan and Rich interview religious trauma and deconstruction coach, Brittney Hartley. We explore her journey out of the Mormon faith, he descent into atheism and nihilism, and what it means to ...

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Aug. 21, 2023

E23 - Redeeming God From Hell (Andrew Hronich)

In this episode, Jonathan and Rich interview Andrew Hronich, author of Once Loved Always Loved: The Logic of Apokatastasis , ( Wipf and Stock). We explore both the illogical nature of the concept of hell, and the traditional ...

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Aug. 15, 2023

E22 - I Can Do Hard Things (ft Katherine McLean)

In this powerful episode, Jonathan interviews holistic counsellor, coach & mentor Katherine McLean, who dealt with childhood family violence an turned to traditional means of coping by abusing alcohol and drugs. She began the...

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Aug. 7, 2023

E21 - Mental Health (Dr. Chris Lee)

In one of the most incredible episodes we've ever done, Dr. Chris Lee, a neuroscientist and startup consultant, breaks down the process of how we think, overthink, and even get locked in a state of a joyless life. Chris share...

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