Dec. 8, 2023

E37 - The Matrix Game (Cleburn Walker)

E37 - The Matrix Game (Cleburn Walker)
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Living in the Matrix

In this episode, Jonathan and Rich sit down with Cleburn Walker to discuss how the we live in a game similar to the Matrix. How we play the game is a really important aspect of life. Cleburn breaks down the game and how theology and quantum physics work together. The Matrix in theology is a word for "womb" and represents the birth of something new in human consciousness. When we understand both, we unlock a powerful way to live. The awakening of consciousness is leading us to a new reality.

In this episode, we touch on Jesus, the Matrix, co-creation, Christ consciousness, awakening, the distinction of I Am, fasting, biohacking, being a masculine man who practices love, the end the present age, and more. This was one of the funnest episodes we've had in a long time.

