Oct. 24, 2023

E31 - Near Death Experience (ft: Virginia Drake)

E31 - Near Death Experience (ft: Virginia Drake)
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Living in the Matrix

In this fascinating episode, Jonathan and Rich sit down with Virginia Drake, who experienced a near death experience that allowed her to learn how to travel remotely anywhere she wants to go, and meet anyone she wants to meet in the supernatural realm. We dive deep into her story of how she died, left her body, and discovered an entirely different realm of life. This episode blew our minds. Virginia has so many amazing stories of miracles, heartache, loss, but ultimately redeeming them with purpose and healing. She is a firecracker and Virginia has worked in the fields of education, social work, counseling, consulting and motivational speaking for over 30 years. She holds a Masters Degree in Education from Georgetown College, a Teaching Certificate from Eastern Kentucky University, and a B.S. Degree in Social Work from Murray Kentucky University. In 1998, Virginia had a miraculous healing after a major heart attack and near death experience. It was then that she became interested in the mind, body, and spirit connection and the impact these forces can have on one's health and relationship. She has devoted over 20 years to intensive study of meditation, natural healing, and quantum physics and how the electromagnetic field of the human body works in connection with the healing process. In addition to her private consulting business Virginia also teaches workshops on developing strategies to promote a healthy and enriched life.Virginia can be found on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/virginia.drake.39Virginia's Email for coaching: revisions111@roadrunner.com