July 10, 2023

E17 - Walking the Path (ft Kevin Crane)

E17 - Walking the Path (ft Kevin Crane)
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Living in the Matrix

In this episode of Living in the Matrix, Jonathan and Rich interview Kevin Crane, world champion grappler and mixed MMA star. Kevin is emerging onto the MMA scene with an explosive alchemy of mind, body and spirit that will capture your imagination. When he's not running 100 mile ultra races, he submitting people on the jujitsu mat. Kevin is on a quest to create the most incredible experience that life has to offer.

But you would never know it that Kevin started life with two parents who were incarcerated addicts. His journey through this process led him to overcome incredible challenges to reach his peak performance. His story will motivate you to adopt a fresh perspective that calls you to choose more. His path now leads him to his next challenge with is the 170 lb championship in the UFC. This was an incredible episode. IG: Kevin Crane